I woke up with the image of painted black lines. The day allowed me to follow the vision. And add to it. What was it?
Pipes? Routes? Electrical wires? It wanted to be a kind of accordion so it would keep moving even after being cut up, because of course I was going to cut it up.
Lines. Connections. Lines of Communication. Two separately wrapped hard covers. Seven single sheets, folded in half, fold at the fore edges, glued to themselves at the spine. Separate 16-panel accordion woven through slits in each of the single pages, glued down on the fronts of the pages only.
Horizontal layout, opens upward.
Still can see the title.
Completely open.
Detail that shows the accordion woven into the pages.
Note the splot from the big sheet.
The back. You can see the unpainted backs of
the accordion.
The back, showing how the structure works.
The front, looking more typically bookish.
Top view. Always have to have a top view.
And a covered slipcase: two pieces of leftover painted paper
laminated to a scrap of Stonehenge printmaking paper, let dry,
marked, scored, and folded up
(Folded Slipcase, page 222 in Making Handmade Books).
Title added with a brush and black acrylic ink.
More lines to come.
And instructions to be posted soon!