ar-ti-fact n.1. An object produced or shaped by human crafts,
especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical
interest. 2.Somethingviewed as a product of human conception
or agency rather thanan inherent element. 3.A structure or
feature not normally present butvisibleas a result of an external
agent or action, such as one seen in a microscopic specimen after
fixation,or in an imageproducedby radiology or
electrocardiography. 4.Aninaccurate observation, effect, or result,
especially one resultingfrom the technology used inscientific
investigation or fromexperimentalerror: The apparentpattern
in the data was an artifact of the collection method.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, fourth edition: from the definition of “artifact.” Presented in the order the words appear.
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