The needlepoint boxes continue to hold my interest as I explore colors and processes further. Three more new ones this week. I was still interested in experimenting with the spun feather down, so the first needlepoint is called "Wish," like a dandelion or fuzzy moon. The rest of the thread is hand-dyed, with the exception of a tiny bit of metallic embroidery thread. Midnight blue book cloth with shimmering gold book cloth inside the lid, natural tan with gold flecks on the base and lip with midnight blue inside. The box is available at nevermindtheart with other pieces there.
The second box is based on a feather fossil from archaeopteryx, the first bird, called "First Feather." I used variegated grey sashiko thread, silver metallic embroidery thread, black sashiko thread, and pearl/perle cotton white. Black book cloth lid with burgundy inside, black base with black inside and burgundy lip. I'm not sure I'm ready to part with this one.
For the third this week, I referenced a drawing I had made of a Monarch butterfly, but I still didn't know how it was going to turn out; I just let it find its own way. It has a completely black book cloth covering. The inner lids, though, have boards wrapped with hand-dyed velvet. I had just tested out the new orange dye and had put a piece of cloth in the dye bath along with the thread. These threads are all hand-dyed, with exception of the white pearl/perle thread and rich black sashiko thread.
For reference, I also started a new section on my website that shows all the needlepoint boxes.